
Bruce Hiebert focused on the seemingly unusual relationship between the ascension of Jesus and economics. He noted some discrepancies between Luke’s gospel account and the description of the ascension in Acts. In Luke’s gospel account Jesus ascends on the day of his resurrection; in Acts he ascends 40 days later. Bruce maintained that “ascension” is a metaphor and could mean many things. The choice of Bethany reflects Luke’s anti-wealth thinking; it’s the site many of Jesus comments about the poor; “the poor you will always have with you.” The discussion raised questions about how we know truth, how we interpret events, and how we interpret scripture. How do we know when to take scripture literally, when metaphorically, and when humanly constructed? Discernment is important since truth can come to us in many forms. The upside down kingdom is here, let’s worship God and live it. [HN]

Service Details

Passage: Ps 2; Ac 1:6-12; Lk 24:50-53; Mk 16:19-20

Communion: Yes

Ecumenical or Event:

Potluck Lunch: No

Congregational Meeting: No

Worship Team

Speaker: Bruce Hiebert

Worship Leader: Veronica Dyck

Song Leader: Andre Pekovich

Pianist: Rosemary Bell

Usher: Henry Neufeld

Childrens Feature Leader:


Bring Flowers:

Coffee Helper:

Sound Helper:

Sunday School Team

Child Care Volunteer: