
Jeremy Funk (son of PGIMF attenders Lois and Curtis Funk) shared from personal experience about the challenge of invisibility faced by persons with physical disabilities. Even praying for healing for someone without asking first can be a de-humanizing action. The story of the formerly paralyzed man in Mark 2 demonstrated that in Christ, God affirms the humanity of each of us. May we likewise welcome others into the peace described by Jesus, no matter what our bodily differences may be. [KH]

Service Details

Passage: Mark 2:1-12

Communion: No

Ecumenical or Event:

Potluck Lunch: No

Congregational Meeting: No

Worship Team

Speaker: Jeremy Funk

Worship Leader: Curtis Funk

Song Leader: J. Evan Kreider

Pianist: Ruth Enns

Usher: Henry Neufeld

Childrens Feature Leader:


Bring Flowers:

Coffee Helper:

Sound Helper:

Sunday School Team

Child Care Volunteer: