
On the Sunday closest to All Saints’ Day, Dr. J. Evan Kreider (Professor Emeritus of Music, UBC) led us through the Bible passages which predict the resurrection of the dead. What happens to us between death and the final judgment is a mystery, but we know from Romans 8:38 that nothing can separate us from the love of God. Our hope can be built on Jesus’ promise that the believing thief on the cross would join him in Paradise (Luke 23:43). The Apostles’ Creed – and even some songs in our Mennonite hymnal – include belief in the communion of saints. [KH]

Service Details

Passage: Romans 8:38; Luke 23:43; 1 Thess. 4:13-18; etc.

Communion: No

Ecumenical or Event:

Potluck Lunch: No

Congregational Meeting: No

Worship Team

Speaker: J. Evan Kreider

Worship Leader: Rosie Perera

Song Leader: J. Evan Kreider

Pianist: Ruth Enns

Usher: Chris Skinner

Childrens Feature Leader:


Bring Flowers:

Coffee Helper:

Sound Helper:

Sunday School Team

Child Care Volunteer: