
Greg Laing (MB Missions Organizer) related stories of the hardships faced by Christians in Asia and Africa who were not afraid as they lived in the Peace of Christ. The world only offers peace through transactional promises, while Jesus offers the peace of his presence. Greg challenged us to mute the violence and ugliness in the media and take timeĀ out to commune with God in prayer. We shouldn’t avoid conflict but are called actively work for and speak out for peace. Fear not, because perfect love drives out fear (1 John 4:18). [KH]

NOTE: There is a brief gap in the recording at 22:13 which replaces a redacted personal story.


Service Details

Passage: John 14: 23-27

Communion: No

Ecumenical or Event:

Potluck Lunch: No

Congregational Meeting: No

Worship Team

Speaker: Greg Laing

Worship Leader: Kevin Hiebert

Song Leader: Andre Pekovich

Pianist: Andre Pekovich

Usher: Ed Epp

Childrens Feature Leader:


Bring Flowers:

Coffee Helper:

Sound Helper:

Sunday School Team

Child Care Volunteer: